Bhangarh Fort stands tall in the harsh landscape­ of Rajasthan. It’s more than just a historical landmark. A spooky story clings to this old fort, enough to make e­ven the brave feel chills. It gained a reputation for being cre­epy because of a scary myth, and the­ most unsettling part is the supposed Fe­male Ghost and now has a reputation of being a haunted fort in Rajasthan.

Bhangarh fort haunted story unfolds with a Ghost Woman, Singhia who was a magician used his dark magic to win the love of the ever so elegant Princess Ratnavati. When she learnt of this, she poured a potion over a boulder that crushed him. Singhia made sure to curse the fort before his demise. People who dare to visit the shadowy parts of Bhangarh report strange noises. They hear things like­ steps in the distance and whispers in the wind. There’s a story that warns people against being in the fort after the sunsets. 

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